A few thoughts about reaching this age. First I am surprized that I made it this far...LOL! Thought for sure I would be pushing up daisies by 65 maximum. I am generally a really pleasant, happy person, with occasional trips into the cruel big, wide, world that surrounds me. That is when I tend to get really moody and thoughtful, deep thought I might add. Drives people around me crazy but what the hay, that's all part of me being me. I like to keep up with what is going on in this world, so I watch political stuff, mostly leftist, but
occasionally swing to the middle. The way all this political presidential and local campaigns have been going the last few years, I have to stop and wonder where this good old country of mine is headed. It feels to me, like we are doomed, and I feel guilty, but also glad in ways, that I don't have to stick around to see the outcome of all of the fighting that is going on between the haves and have nots. I just don't understand,
oh, I intellectually understand the negativity that seems to be our congress and some other conservatives...they just won't sit down and work out a compromise that is good for the people that they represent. What I do understand is that the ones that won't compromise, just don't care and that, I do not
understand on a much deeper level. Now, the second thing that is bothering me right now is the Mayan prediction that the world is going to end on December 21, 2012. I know and have been guilty of looking at this as a joke, but with all that I see going on all over the world it would not surprize me at all if that is indeed a plausible date for our wonderful world to just implode. We humans were given a gift so great of all the natural resources, let alone the natural beauty of this Earth and we have, just like a little kid, used it all up and keep on refusing to try to make ourselves behave by acting responsibly, with the treasures of life we have been blessed with. There are so many wars, arguments, hate and evil going around now I don't know how it could or even would be turned around at this point. I think we humans have made our bed and now have to lay in it, reaping the consequences of our irresponsible behavior, mostly just for power and the almighty dollar. I don't worry about myself so much, it's my kids and grands and greatgrands that I worry about. I know I am going to be with Jesus Christ when I die but I worry about the awful world my descendants will have to live in. The prophets in the Bible predicted all of this and I personaly feel like we are in the end times right now. Well, that is what I worry about and, just like Eyeore in Winnie the Pooh, get a little black cloud over my head that follows me around. I feel better after putting this all down.
I really debated over putting 'pen to paper' about this for fear it would alarm my kids. But this is life and I have always been proud of being a truth teller as I see it, and this is how I see 'it' right now. I also wonder if just the fact that I am now 70 years of age and getting close to the end of my life that I look at things this way...something to ponder!
Heavy man, heavy. ( As would be said in the 60's)