It has been awhile since I last I'm sure my faithful reader has noticed. LOL!
I have been struggling with the age old questions that seem to plague all of us at one time or
another. I have noticed that the older I get the more often I am searching for the answer to
the following.........
Sometimes you have to go to extremes to see if you can locate the answer to that one.........
Alas and alack, much to the detriment of our collective egos, we are even forced to ask for.....
Much to our (my) chagrin at times I even need to just throw up my hands and give in to ask for
some assistance...................
There are even times when I ask the following.............................................
That I was so eagerly searching for.....that starts a whole nother path to struggle down.....
I'm sure that you have been there at one time or another, so you should understand that at
times in the midst of a search it dawns on you that you kinda, sorta, just for a minute or two,
forgot what it was you were searching for......................................................
Then for no reason that I can understand the subject of your search will 'pop' back into your head...
After all of that has transpired...I don't even want to go into the time it has taken, but you start
asking yourself......................................................................................
Now, that, my friend is really the question.....if you have been successful in searching , then
finding, now you ask yourself...."just why did I need this?"
Well, now that we have cleared all of this up I suppose I can now get on with the business
at hand....................does anyone remember what that was?