Saturday, May 4, 2013

There is a fungus amung us!

Mushrooms, I speak of the lowly yet highly praised and sought after fungus...mushroom.
There are all types (just like us humans) of mushrooms, some sought for eating pleasure,
and some of nefarious practices, yet others for the out of the world experience that we
simple humans seem to crave.  Here are a few examples.......................................

1)  Eating....

2) big and little...........

3) Colors and canned.....................

 4) Some people, especially back in the "hippie years" of the '60s...people searched
for the 'Magic Mushroom,  sometimes even from a dealer............................
5) Often these hippie people drove fancy vans/buses................

6) Often, after ingestion, this led to what was referred to as a "trip", some good some bad......

7) A serious attempt was made to make these things 'legal' ............................

8) Some as you can see thought that it was 'good' medicine to blow their minds with this fungus...........

9) As always the search continues to this day.................................

But the most important thing to remember about this wonderful fungus is the saying
it has brought to the world.."I am like a mushroom, kept in the dark and fed bullshit"
This is the life of the mushroom....I think I need one!

Tuesday, April 2, 2013


It has been awhile since I last I'm sure my faithful reader has noticed.  LOL!
I have been struggling with the age old questions that seem to plague all of us at one time or 
another. I have noticed that the older I get the more often I am searching for the answer to
the following.........

Sometimes you have to go to extremes to see if you can locate the answer to that one.........

Alas and alack, much to the detriment of our collective egos, we are even forced to ask for.....

Much to our (my) chagrin at times I even need to just throw up my hands and give in to ask for
some assistance...................

There are even times when I ask the following.............................................

That I was so eagerly searching for.....that starts a whole nother path to struggle down.....
I'm sure that you have been there at one time or another, so you should understand that at
times in the midst of a search it dawns on you that you kinda, sorta, just for a minute or two,
forgot what it was you were searching for......................................................

Then for no reason that I can understand the subject of your search will 'pop' back into your head...

After all of that has transpired...I don't even want to go into the time it has taken, but you start
asking yourself......................................................................................

Now, that, my friend is really the question.....if you have been successful in searching , then
finding, now you ask yourself...."just why did I need this?"

Well, now that we have cleared all of this up I suppose I can now get on with the business
at hand....................does  anyone  remember  what  that  was?

Friday, February 22, 2013


Like it or not, we live in an age of instant gratification....especially when it comes to communications.
For many, many years we relied on the U.S.P.S. to keep us informed of all things that were important
like invitations, letters from loved ones, holiday greetings, birthday cards (hopefully full of money) bills, 
late notices, and lawsuits.

Well, I'm sorry to say, no matter how I feel about the mail system....I love it, and am going to
sorely miss it when it all disappears.......there are a few of us out there that are not happy with the
current level of of whom shall remain unnamed!

When sending packages, of great importance, I might add, we rely on.............................................
The purveyor of these services would like to be thought of like this..............................................
When in some peoples minds they are thought of more like this..................................................

In fact I just received a package yesterday, but it was not discovered until this morning, of course after
a snowfall of over six inches.  It kinda looked like this......................................................................

Thankfully the contents were unharmed by staying out in the freezing storm, I just hope that the
pony express rider and his horse faired better and got to a warm place for the night.

I love you, United States Post Office!..........................................................

Thursday, January 24, 2013

The Mothly Crew

The time has come to tell you of the adventures of Minton and his motley family crew.
I suppose I should tell you that I am indeed a fan of his and wear this in his honor.......

He was born into a fairly normal family of like creatures...........
They liked to call themselves "The Mothly Crew" you can see they really liked to party......... 

        ........................................the leader of course was Mintons mother, Mable...
She was a closet queen and could spot woolen garments hanging in any closet for miles around.......
Minton also had sisters, Martha, Molly and Marsha, who tended to lead little Minton astray. 
But Minton grew up strong and carried the biggest load in the family, namely the moth balls...........................
They were so family oriented and proud of their heritage that they kept pictures of their ancestors.......
One night, Minton's family decided to investigate the local sweater factory that dear mother Mable had spotted...Oh, they had a good time and the results were celebrated.....................................
Well...celebrated by the Motley Crew of moths, I suppose.  Just about when they were having a
wonderful time....someone spotted a light....was it a flame?..............................................
Everyone got excited and gathered around.....................Even long lost cousins and friends...............

Two of Minton's cousin's never recovered from their destructive ways and went on to become the 
dreaded Mothra Twins.............................................................................

Now there is a Moral to this story of the Mothra Family..................................................

“The Moth don't care when he sees The Flame.
He might get burned, but he's in the game.
And once he's in, he can't go back, he'll
Beat his wings 'til he burns them black...
No, The Moth don't care when he sees The Flame. . .
The Moth don't care if The Flame is real,
'Cause Flame and Moth got a sweetheart deal.
And nothing fuels a good flirtation,
Like Need and Anger and Desperation...
No, The Moth don't care if The Flame is real. . . ”
Aimee Mann

The End..................................................................................................................................

Monday, November 19, 2012

The Nine Lives of Cats

The mystical cat and all that surrounds it.  We humans think we know the cat,
but don't count your chickens, etc........the cat remains mysterious and that is why so
many falsehoods and lies surround it's very attractive being.  Like the one about cats
creeping in to a bedroom in the dark of night and suffocating a human, big or small...ha, ha!
That is a falsehood outright.The cat may come investigate your face, breathe your breath
to ID you but does not suck the oxygen out of a baby even.  The only way that could
happen is if a cat decided to curl up on your face and smother you with it's fur over your
nose.  They are not that mean....or ??            So sleep peacefully, my friend......................

Then the sun rises and all seems right with the world. You walk down the street and there,
before you, directly in your path, stands a feline cast in the darkest shade of black imaginable.
You are afraid, but you look into her eyes. She takes your measure and reads your soul. You
 remind yourself that they are all just myths, legends, folklore, superstitions. You smile hesitantly,
 thinking you know the secrets hidden behind her jewel-like eyes. She swishes her tail, gives
you a long knowing look, twitches her tail again and darts off in the blink of an eye.
Good Luck, my friend!

Cats are most of all Regal in stature, attitude and action..........................................................


 Then there is always the occasional "dork"..........................................................

Cats show all these different lives in how they act......sometimes cuddly.........................
And then lots of the time, very curious, and curiouser, and curiouser...........................

They can be very playful............................................................................................
Another of their abilities is hunting.  Sometimes they will even bring home their 'catch of the day'....
They also can be demanding, accusatory, and at times sarcastic................................................

One of their attitudes never fails to make me laugh.  When they get embarrassed or otherwise
think the company they are with are fools, they have this great ability to ignore all...................
Cats also have a weakness....they all love catnip...................................................................
Cats also come in all shapes and sizes and colors too......................................................
Some even have cats of their own.....................................................................
I have never met a cat that doesn't like to play with bags, or boxes, any size or shape will do.........
Just remember, cats do what cats do, and they know that cats rule!............................................

With all that being said, you ought to be able to recognize why cats must have nine lives.
Personally I can recognize some humans I used to know acting out in cat form....LOL!
Don't forget this....................................................................................................